Metodo do Bostik / Adhesive gum method
By stuking the packet with a little piece of gum adhesive, that can be easily removed , if necessary, the package stays hold on the plastic sheet.
Metodo do papel e cola / Papper and glue method
Colar o pacote a uma folha normal (branca ou de cor) requer ter duas copias do mesmo pacote de modo a se poder ver os dois lados.
Glue the packege into a regular sheet.It Requires to have two copies of each packet in order to see both sides.
You can irreparably destroy the package!
Metodo do ferro de soldar / Solding iron mehtod
Use um ferro de soldar, quente (como e obvio), para fazer divisoes numa mica (A4). Iste metodo e otimo porque permite por pacotes de formas diferentes todas juntos. E semlhante ao metodo que eu uso. Em vez de utilizar o ferro de soldar para fazer as divisorias simplesmente ponho um ou dois agrafos a volta dos pacotes.
Use a soldering iron, hot (naturally), to manually make divisions in plastic sheets (sise A4). This is very flexible because alows you to put different shapes of packets next to each other! It's similar to the mehtod that i use! Instead of using the iron, i just put one or tow staples around the packet. I don't stple the packet into the sheet, i just make divisions!
--> E possivel comprar micas com pequenas bolsas ja feitas. Eu nao gosto muito porque nao esta disponivel em varios tamanhos, apenas para pacotes rectangulares, quadrados ou para sticks. E por vezes os pacotes nao cabem nessas divisorias pelo que prefiro fazer as minhas!xD
--> You can also buy some sheets with small pockets already done.I don't really like it, because this isn't available in many sizes..just for rectangular and square packets and sticks.Some times the packets just don't fit the pockets!I just prefer to do my own!xD
*imagens de/pictures from
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